The Paddocks / Paradise Farm

28 Oct 1999
The Paddocks, Polson Hill, Morchard Bishop, Mid Devon, Devon, EX17 6SE
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Paradise Farm, Polson Hill, Morchard Bishop, Mid Devon, Devon, EX17 6SE
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

MORCHARD BISHOP POLSON HILL, Frost SS 70 NE 5/188 - The Paddocks II

House, formerly a farmhouse. Early-mid C17, possibly earlier, with major late C17 - early C18 refurbishment and possible extension; C20 rear extension. Plastered cob on exposed rubble up to first floor level; rubble stacks topped with C20 brick; slate roof. 3-room-and-cross-passage plan house facing south with axial stack serving left (west) room and projecting right end stack. C20 extension across rear.

2 storeys. Irregular 4 window front includes some late C19 casements with glazing bars but most are C20 casements with glazing bars. Roughly central door with C20 plank and gable roofed porch. Roof hipped both ends.

Good interior although some early plan elements are obscured by C20 modernisation.

Right end room has early-mid C17 chamfered crossbeam with ornate lozenge and nick stops and stone fireplace with oak lintel chamfered with runout stops and left side oven. Centre room has plain chamfered beam. These 2 rooms may have formed the original house and left end room added in late C17 - early C18. An indefinite butt join may be discerned on the front. Left room has fireplace with unfinished oak lintel. The ceiling has geometric pattern of bolection moulded plaster ribs based around a central roundel. Door in rear wall to straight flight of stairs with moulded plaster cornice. First floor room has similar late C17 - early C18 moulded plasterwork, the cornices breaking forward around the feet of the roof principal rafters. The first floor includes some late C17 - early C18 doors including a 2 panel door hung on HL hinges and with an ornate wrought iron catch to the left end master chamber and a plank door with cover moulds to right end chamber. Roof of late C17 - early C18 roughly finished A frame trusses with pegged lap-jointed collars and at each apex the tenon is extended to form a cross and seat the ridge.

The unusually low pitch suggests that the roof has been slated since the late C17 - early C18.

Formerly known as Paradise Farm.

Listing NGR: SS7728006637


This is part of the Series: IOE01/2255 IOE Records taken by Michael Woodhead; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Michael Woodhead. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Woodhead, Michael

Rights Holder: Woodhead, Michael


Cob, Plaster, Rubble, Slate, Tudor Farmhouse, Elizabethan Domestic, Stuart Agricultural Dwelling, Jacobean Dwelling, House, Agriculture And Subsistence, Farm Building, Agricultural Building, Cross Passage House, Monument (By Form)