Lime House

10 Oct 1999
Lime House, St Peter's Street, Bishops Waltham, Winchester, Hampshire, SO32 1AD
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

BISHOPS WALTHAM ST. PETER'S STREET SU 55 17 9/23 Lime House 7.2.52 GV II

House. Of timber-framed origin, with remodelling and extension in the late C18 and further remodelling and extension in the mid C19. Walls of brickwork in Flemish bond, Flemish Garden Wall bond at the rear, plinth, some rubbed flat arches and cambered arches; stucco features to the front, cornices on console bracket to the windows and eaves supported on console brackets set against a plain band: stone cills. Tile roof, double pile, with hipped roof to the north extension East front elevation of two storeys, two windows (being coupled lights separated by a brick mullion), with projecting north wing of two upper windows.

Victorian sashes, some casements at the rear, a mid C19 two-storeyed splayed bay at the rear, with sashes. The doorway has an open pediment on carved brackets, architrave, and 5-Panelled door. The interior is C18 and mid C19 in most of its details, with an C18 staircase.

Listing NGR: SU5548817632


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1294 IOE Records taken by Peter MacLeod; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Peter MacLeod. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Macleod, Peter

Rights Holder: Macleod, Peter


Brick, Tile, Timber, Georgian Timber Framed House, Monument (By Form), Timber Framed Building, House, Domestic, Dwelling