Brook House

23 Aug 2000
Brook House, Lindridge, Malvern Hills, Worcestershire
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


5/126 Brook House

- II

Farmhouse, now house. C17 with mid-C19 and mid-C20 alterations. Timber- framed with painted brick and rendered infill, brick replacement walling and plain tiled roof. Four framed bays aligned east/west; external rendered chimney with detached brick stack at west gable end. Single storey and attic with dormers. Framing: three panels from sill to wall-plate (only upper row of panels survives to front elevation); collar and tie-beam trusses with struts and with V-strut in apex at east gable end. South front elevation: ground floor has a 2-light C19 casement with plank weathering, a cross-casement and a 2-light C20 casement; two gabled dormers, one with a 2-light casement and one with a 2-light casement and a square light; half- glazed door in west bay with plank weathering continuing above the 2-light C20 casement to left; also stable door in third bay from west end. Interior: framing is mainly intact. Winder staircase in second bay from west end.

A C19 single-storey wing adjoins the west gable end; brick with Welsh slate roof; it was originally a kitchen with bread oven and boiler but was altered in C20 to form entrance hall with half-glazed entrance door to main south elevation.

Listing NGR: SO6918569529


This is part of the Series: IOE01/2205 IOE Records taken by R Derek Wilbraham; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© R Derek Wilbraham. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Wilbraham, R Derek

Rights Holder: Wilbraham, R Derek


Brick, Render, Slate, Tile, Timber, Tudor Farmhouse, Elizabethan Domestic, Stuart Agricultural Dwelling, Jacobean Dwelling, House, Agriculture And Subsistence, Farm Building, Agricultural Building, Timber Framed House, Monument (By Form), Timber Framed Building