St Cecilia's / 9 Curzon Street / Curzon House / 5 And 7 Curzon Street

24 Jun 2001
St Cecilia's, 5 Curzon Street, Calne, North Wiltshire, Wiltshire, SN11 0DW
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9 Curzon Street, Calne, North Wiltshire, Wiltshire, SN11 0DW
Curzon House, 5 Curzon Street, Calne, North Wiltshire, Wiltshire, SN11 0DW
5 And 7 Curzon Street, Calne, North Wiltshire, Wiltshire, SN11 0DW
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


ST9971 CURZON STREET 755-1/4/48 (North side) 19/05/50 No.5 St Cecilia's (Formerly Listed as: CURZON STREET (North side) No.9) (Formerly Listed as: CURZON STREET (North side) No.5 Curzon House)


Formerly known as: Nos.5 AND 7 CURZON STREET. Pair of attached houses, with left-hand house, now all one school building. Dated 1743; extended early C19, including early-mid C19 left-hand house. Red brick with darker brick surrounds, rubbed brick dressings and limestone ashlar, sandstone flagged terrace, slate hipped roof and lateral and gable stacks. Double-depth plan, with early C19 extended projecting wings flanking raised platform. 2 storeys, attic and cellar; 2:7-window range. A wide symmetrical front has projecting early C19 single-window ashlar wings connected by a raised terrace, rusticated ashlar central section, cornice and parapet. Doorways with architraves set 1-window in from the ends of the central range, with broken pediments with balls on console brackets, 6-panel doors, the right-hand one with a good octagonal lantern in the overlight. The central brick range has cill bands and a first-floor drip course, panelled aprons, and windows with plat band and cornice with different moulding, keyed architraves, segmental heads and horned 6/6-pane sashes; wings have horned recessed 6/6-pane sashes, with a right-hand first-floor 15/15-pane sash. Steps up through the terrace to the doorways, low terrace cellar windows; former railings removed. Good original downpipe and hopper dated 1743. Left-hand 2-window house has a right-hand door and horned 6/6-pane sash. Right-hand return has a second-floor cross window. Rear elevation, rebuilt c1840 in Domestic Tudor style, has a central projecting gable with a full-height 5-light canted bay, and cross windows with labels. INTERIOR: altered mid C19; details include an axial passage with semicircular arches, a right-hand stair hall with timber open-well stair, curtail and late C19 wrought-iron railings; front room with C17 oak linenfold panelling and boxed cornice, cast-iron hob grate and stone surround; vaulted cellars. The mid C18 house is a good example of an early semi-detached house. That part formerly listed as No.9 Curzon Street was listed on 08/07/76.

Listing NGR: ST9964471168


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1485 IOE Records taken by David Nunn; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr David Nunn. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Nunn, David

Rights Holder: Nunn, David


Ashlar, Brick, Limestone, Sandstone, Slate, Georgian Semi Detached House, Monument (By Form), House, Domestic, Dwelling, Steps, Transport, Pedestrian Transport Site, School, Education, Garden Terrace, Gardens Parks And Urban Spaces