Roman Catholic Church Of Our Lady Star Of The Sea

19 Jul 2002
Roman Catholic Church Of Our Lady Star Of The Sea, Broadstairs Road, Broadstairs And St Peters, Thanet, Kent, CT10 2RU
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


5283 BROADSTAIRS Roman Catholic Church of our Lady Star of the Sea TR 36 NE 5/200 II 2. 1950-1, by Sir Giles Scott. Completed 1961. Flint with stone dressings; pantiled roof. All faces of the N tower with 2 narrow lancets and chequered brick tympanum set within a tall blank arch. Broad 7-bay domestic looking nave with 4-light windows and open trussed roof. 2nd bay from that opens out, on the N, to a transeptal Sacred Heart altar and, on the S, to a similar transeptal Lady Chapel, each with a 2-light window. The westernmost bays are shallow transept-like 'chapels' containing, on the N, the confessional and, on the S, the baptistry. To the W, beyond a broad round unchamfered arch, the narthex with gallery above. Immensely high apsidal chancel, top lit from E and W. Lowish broad chancel arch. Altar rails and pulpit splendidly carved in C17 style. Pews of simple design.

Listing NGR: TR3797168095


This is part of the Series: IOE01/2127 IOE Records taken by Jenny Walters; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mrs Jenny Walters. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Walters, Jenny

Rights Holder: Walters, Jenny


Flint, Pantile, Stone, 20th Century Roman Catholic Church, Religious Ritual And Funerary, Church, Place Of Worship