Former Farm Cottage Approximately 25 Metres To North West Of Walcot Road Farmhouse / Former Farm Cottage West Of Walcot Road Farmhouse

15 Apr 2003
Former Farm Cottage Approximately 25 Metres To North West Of Walcot Road Farmhouse, Walcot Road, Withington, Shrewsbury And Atcham, Shropshire
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Former Farm Cottage West Of Walcot Road Farmhouse, Walcot Road, Withington, Shrewsbury And Atcham, Shropshire
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

SJ 51 SE WITHINGTON C.P. WALCOT ROAD (north-east side)

4/113 Former farm cottage approximately 25 11/06/81 metres to north- west of Walcot Road Farmhouse (Formerly listed as Former farm cottage west of Walcot Road Farm- house)

- II

Cottage. C17 with late C20 restoration and additions. Timber framed on brick plinth; banded plain tile roof. 2 framed bays. One storey and attic.

C20 raking dormers with 2-light wooden casements, one to north-west and 2 to south-east; central brick ridge stack. Framing: square panels, 3 from sole-plate to wall-plate; short straight braces. Late C20 two-light wooden casements, 3 to north-west and 2 to south-east. Collar and tie-beam truss with queen-struts and V-struts exposed in south-west gable end. Set back flanking C20 one-storey red brick additions with short links to cottage, that to north-west with garages, and entrance in link. Interior: central collar and tie-beam truss with queen-struts; single purlins with windbraces; chamfered beams; open fireplaces.

Listing NGR: SJ5810412895


This is part of the Series: IOE01/2002 IOE Records taken by Derek Taylor; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Derek Taylor. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Taylor, Derek

Rights Holder: Taylor, Derek


Brick, Tile, Timber, Tudor Timber Framed House, Elizabethan Monument (By Form), Stuart Timber Framed Building, Jacobean House, Domestic, Dwelling, Garage, Transport, Road Transport Site