Great Pit Farmhouse

1 Sep 2003
Great Pit Farmhouse, Silverton, Mid Devon, Devon, EX5 4BW
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

SILVERTON SS 90 SE 7/216 Great Pit Farmhouse - GV II* Farmhouse. C15 with later alterations. Cob, stone footings, plastered, under gabled-end slate roof. Formerly a 3-room, through-passage plan, with continuous rear outshut under catslide roof, and with a later (C19) left hand extension. Left-hand external stack with bake-oven bulge (partially engulfed in C19 extension) and right- hand external stack with 2 off-sets heat service end and parlour respectively; hall heated by rear lateral stack. All with brick shafts. 2-storeys.

Front: 5-window range, the roof ridge of the left-hand extension lower than that of- the main house; all windows of 3-light, C19 casements. 4 similar 3-light windows to ground floor. All windows retain glazing bars. Front door (to passage) under lean- to slate porch. C19 and C20 windows to rear.

Interior: Plank and muntin screens stand to either side of the through-passage, chamfered, stopped and with carpenter's mitres, with chamfered brackets supporting bressumer in parlour. The doors through these screens are late C17 or early C18, one (to parlour) with large fielded panels. Parlour with 3 axial beams with run out stops.

Roof: 5 jointed crucks, pegged and morticed at apex; cranked collars; threaded purlins; diagonal ridge piece; smoke blackened from end to end with some sooted rafters over the service end. The hall (with through-passage) is of 2 bays, the trusses to each end formerly closed, the central upright to each sooted.

Note: according to J H Ward (Trans. Devonshire Association, 42 (1910), 283 this house possessed 'a very interesting plaster ceiling with sporting subjects, possibly of 1610'. The present occupier (March, 1985) believes there to be a fine 'painted' ceiling above the parlour (right-hand) room chamber: it is possible that the ceiling noticed by Ward still survives concealed.

Listing NGR: SS9521303312


This is part of the Series: IOE01/0618 IOE Records taken by Robin Downes; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Robin Downes. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Downes, Robin

Rights Holder: Downes, Robin


Cob, Plaster, Slate, Stone, Timber, Medieval Farmhouse, Tudor Domestic, Agricultural Dwelling, Dwelling, House, Agriculture And Subsistence, Farm Building, Agricultural Building, Cross Passage House, Monument (By Form), Cruck House, Timber Framed House, Timber Framed Building