Ridge Farmhouse

24 Jul 2006
Ridge Farmhouse, Ridge Lane, Romsey Extra, Test Valley, Hampshire
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

ROMSEY EXTRA RIDGE LANE SU 31 NW 6/13 Ridge Farmhouse


House. Of timber-framed lobby entrance house, with considerable early C19 alterations, and minor extensions. Rendered walls, hoodmoulds to the openings.

Tile roof, with decorative bargeboards. South front of two storeys, with a projecting two-storeyed porch, 2.1.3 windows. Casements, splayed bay at the west side. Boarded door within a pointed arch. The rear has a wing of the same form, and there is a late C19 single-storeyed extension at the east side. Interior: there is a C17 beam and massive chimney bressumer and some framing in the cross wall, to indicate the earlier origin of a building which appears externally as an example of the early Victorian Tudor style.

Listing NGR: SU3506819411


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1494 IOE Records taken by Thomas Olding; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Thomas Olding. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Olding, Thomas

Rights Holder: Olding, Thomas


Render, Tile, Timber, Tudor House, Elizabethan Monument (By Form), Stuart Domestic, Jacobean Dwelling, Timber Framed House, Timber Framed Building