Series: Victoria County History: Wiltshire

19 Aug 1998 - 28 Jun 2006
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Staff from the Swindon office of The Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (subsequently English Heritage), took photographs of buildings in Wiltshire, between August 1998 - Sep 2003. These photographs, were subsequently used by the Victoria County History for their publications: A history of Wiltshire, volume 16. Kinwardstone Hundred (1999).

A history of the county of Wiltshire, volume 17. Calne Hundred (2002).

and as yet unpublished, Volume 18 (to include: Highworth, Cricklade and Staple Hundred) From 2006 photographs of Codford were taken for the VCH project England's Past for Everyone (EPE).

Archival History

Photographic jobs taken in 1998 to 2003 were linked to individual site-specific Buildings Files. Photographic jobs taken in 2006 were linked to one overall Project Buildings File, following the change in recording guidelines in 2003.


This is part of the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive

This Series is divided into 117 Child Volumes


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

© Historic England Archive