Volume: Wroxeter Roman City, Shropshire

circa 1990 - Apr 2012
Wroxeter Roman City, Wroxeter and Uppington, Wroxeter, Shropshire
Volume containing Graphic and Electronic material
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Fifteen reconstruction illustrations and two general illustrations depicting aerial views of Woxeter Roman City, and exterior and interior views of its buildings. The illustrations were created between 1990 and 2012, and appear to have been largely created for inclusion in English Heritage's series of guidebooks for the site.

The folder includes fourteen reconstruction illustrations and one sheet of general illustrations created by Ivan Lapper in the 1990s, depicting scenes and structures at Wroxeter Roman City in the second century AD. There are also two drawings created by Liam Wales in 2012; one reconstruction illustration and one orientation illustration.


This is part of the Series: EHC01/146 English Heritage Reconstruction and Artwork Collection; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Volume is divided into 17 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Artwork: 2
Reconstruction Artwork: 15
Drawing (Digital): 17


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Illustrator: Lapper, Ivan

Illustrator: Wales, Liam


Roman Settlement, Roman Bath House