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7 results found

  • Britain's Railways in Wartime

    Pays tribute to the railway men and women and their often heroic responses to the demands of war.

    Series: General History
  • England's Shipwreck Heritage

    Highly illustrated and based on extensive new research, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in England's maritime heritage.

    Series: General History
  • Operation Diver

    The story of the military campaign against the V1 flying bomb – unique in both military and landscape terms.

    Series: General History
  • Ration Book Cookery: Recipes and history

    Looks at the art of cookery in Britain during and immediately after the Second World War. Includes recipes which have been adapted for the modern kitchen, information on food, cooking equipment, kitchen designs and the serving of meals.

    Series: General History
  • Slavery and the British Country House

    British country houses, their owners and their links to the slave trade in all its forms.

    Series: General History
  • Tourism and the Changing Face of the British Isles

    A comprehensive history of tourism from its origins to the present day.

    Series: General History
  • We Die Like Brothers

    The political, social and cultural repercussions of the sinking of the SS Mendi are brought up to date with a new archaeological perspective.

    Series: General History

Historic England Research

Book series