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5 results found

  • Played at the Pub: The pub games of Britain

    Definitive examination of the games played in Britain’s pubs, both historic and contemporary, popular and obscure. Beautifully illustrated and overflowing with great stories, it also acts as a guide to finding the best pubs to play traditional pub games.

    Series: Sporting Heritage
  • Played in Liverpool: Charting the heritage of a city at play

    Guides the reader on an intimate tour of Liverpool’s sporting treasures; from the site of the 19th century Liverpool Olympics and the dockside location of Britain’s first municipal swimming baths, to the football giants of Liverpool and Everton.

    Series: Sporting Heritage
  • Played in Tyne and Wear: Charting the heritage of people at play

    Part of the Played in Britain series of books on sporting and recreational heritage, this volume offers an informative and entertaining history of the Tyne and Wear's sporting heritage, including the popular - such as football - through to the more surprising such as pigeon-racing.

    Series: Sporting Heritage
  • The British Olympics

    Part of the Played in Britain series of books on sporting and recreational heritage, this volume offers a distinctive introduction to the British pre-history and history of the 2012 London Olympics. Explores the various interpretations of Olympic in Britain.

    Series: Sporting Heritage
  • Uppies and Downies: The extraordinary football games of Britain

    A detailed and superbly illustrated account of some of British football’s most unusual games. Looks at the nation’s most eccentric football variants and analyses them as part of a collective tradition.

    Series: Sporting Heritage

Historic England Research

Book series