SY 08 NW WOODBURY CHURCH STILE LANE, Woodbury 2/91 Nos. 1, 2 3, 4, 5 & 6 Church
10.1.85 Steps Cottages GV II Row of 6 cottages. Nos. 5 & 6 are late C16 (possibly earlier); No.4 probably C17,
and the remainder C18 or early C19. Roughcast cob on stone footings; gabled-end
corrugated-iron roof to Nos.3, 4, 5 & 6, slate to Nos. 1 & 2. The plan is very
difficult to reconstruct; it seems likely that Nos. 5 & 6 were originally a small
3-room, through-passage plan house, the door to No.5 masking the site of the
passage, with the higher end to the right (the hall and inner room now No.6 with a
door inserted when conversion to cottages was completed; the hall chamber belongs to
No.5); there is a little evidence to suggest a rear lateral stack to heat the hall;
lower-end stack (now axial, formerly at the end) with brick shaft; right-hand end
stack, and axial stacks to the other cottages. No.4 is an early extension to the
service end of Nos. 5 & 6 and like them, of jointed cruck construction. The other
cottages are C18 or early C19; all of one room, single-depth plan, the doorway
giving directly into the front room; No.1 has a small barn extension, now partly
converted to accommodation. 2 storeys.
Front: No.1 with one 4 pane sash, a 2-light casement, and one blocked window to 1st
floor, and a sahs window and late-C20 door below; No.2 with one blocked and one
early C19 2-light casement window to 1st floor, a 2:2:2 pane canted bay with a
planked door with rectangular fanlight to ground floor; No.3 with one 2-light
casement window to both floors, and a panelled door; No.4 similar to No.3, but the
windows not arranged regularly; No.5 is bigger, with 2 early C19 2-light casement
windows to 1st floor, the embrasures possibly older, the lintels at eaves level; 2
later 2-light casement windows and a wide doorway below. No.6 with three 2- and 3-
light casement windows similar to those of No.5; one 2- and one 3-light casement
windows with door between, below.
Rear: outshut under catslide to Nos. 5 & 6; leantos to others.
Interior: one jointed cruck to No.4 and No.6 (No.5 not inspected internally).
Roofs with straight principals to Nos. 1, 2 and 3).
Listing NGR: SY0097287210
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