Looking into the surface water and foul sewer tunnel excavated during the construction of Coventry Cathedral, showing a man working in the tunnel

6 Sep 1955
Coventry Cathedral, Priory Street, Coventry
Photograph (Print)
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The tunnel was excavated to a depth of 12 feet under Priory Street. The caption below the photograph in the album reads "... This tunnel takes the main drainage section of the Cathedral into the Corporation foul sewer drain in the centre of the road. The photograph shows the 9" x 6" props and 9" x 9" heads, with 8" x 2" kicking pieces between each pair of props. The tunnel is now ready to receive the 9" foul sewer and the 12" surface water drains, which sit on the top of the concrete bed."

This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20.


This is part of the Volume: JLP01/01/025 Coventry Cathedral Church of St Michael; within the Series: JLP01/01 John Laing Photographic Collection Project Albums; within the Collection: JLP01 John Laing Photographic Collection


© Historic England Archive. John Laing Photographic Collection

People & Organisations

Photographer: John Laing And Son (Holdings) Ltd

Architect: Spence, Basil


Mid 20th Century Cathedral, Mid 20th Century Sewer