26.4.57 Tangier House II*
1662, C18, C19. Two storeys and attic with 3 symmetrical elevations. The main (south) front has 1.3.1 windows, with a recessed centre. Tile roof, with 3 gables being C19 alterations from a previous Dutch gable design. Red brick walling in a mixed bond, with raised quoins merging with bands at first and second floor level, cut brick mouldings to form architraves to the windows at each side (mostly coated with cement), rubbed flat arches in the centre, high plinth. Sashes in exposed frames. The doorway has an architrave incorporating a bolection moulding, capped by a (later) thin moulded cornice, and a ½-glazed door. The east front has 1.2.1 windows, with a central gable above a slightly-recessed centre. Tile roof, brick dentil eaves, raised quoins merging with first and second floor bands, rubbed flat arches, high plinth, stone cills. Sashes in exposed frames. At the top of the gable is a recessed brick panel with 1662 SRH
in raised carving; between the first-floor windows (in the centre) is a small niche containing a female bust (said to be Catherine de Braganza), ½-glazed door within an architrave. The west front is C18, of 1.3.1 windows, with a slightly-projecting centre having a pediment/gable. Tile roof, moulded cornice, red brick walling in Flemish bond, rubbed flat arches, stone cills, plinth. Sashes in reveals. Within, the entrance hall is lined with oak panelling, and there are some classical fireplaces. Catherine de Braganza brought Tangier as a dowry at her wedding to Charles II, hence the name given to the house as a commemoration. Extending eastwards from the house is a high garden wall, in red brickwork.
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