ST 01 SE
Farmers II Detached house, originally a farmhouse and until recently a public house called 'The
Farmers' Arms'. Mid C16, with later alterations. Roughcast cob on stone
footings; gable end pantiled roof. A 3-room, through-passage plan house. The
service end (to the left of the passage) is jettied into the hall which, although
probably originally open to the roof, was always heated by the present Beer stone
fireplace backing onto the passage. Inner room, of 2 storeys from the beginning,
is divided from the hall by a partition rising through the full height of the house,
and heated by an internal end stack. The service end has been disturbed, and the
present stack (the shaft of which emerges from just behind the roof ridge) is a late
(probably C19) insertion. All stacks with rendered shafts. 2 storeys.
Exterior: Front : very irregular; a late C19 rebuilding of the hall front wall,
gabled, but slightly recessed from the plane of the front, with two 2-light casement
windows to first floor, one of 3 lights and a glazed door to ground floor. 3-light
ground-floor casement window only to inner room. Late C20 door to passage. C19 3-
light ground floor casement window only to service room.
Right-hand end with 2 tiny inglenook windows; also an early C19 3-light casement
window, 8 leaded panes per light.
Left-hand end with a C19 2-light casement window to first floor. Probably re-used
from the hall is a C16 square-headed 4-light window, each light ogivally headed,
the mullions chamfered, the sill missing and replaced in concrete.
Interior : plank and muntin screen to service-end side of passage, muntins
chamfered, stopped and with carpenter's mitres to passage side only. The 2
chamfered axial ceiling beams of the service-end room rest on corbels, 1 of which is
part of the same timber as 1 of the muntins. A slight bulge in the cob wall to the
rear indicates the position of the original winder stairs. Rear doorway of through
passage chamfered with shouldered arch. Short stretch of another plank and muntin
screen between hall stack and entrance from passage into hall. Hall : chamfered
cross beam with step stops supports jetty. Fireplace with chamfered Beer stone
jambs and timber lintel, the latter with hollow step stops. Cross beam between hall
and inner room, with a chamfered doorway arch, once probably associated with a
screen. Roughly chamfered cross ceiling beam to inner room, the fireplace largely
Roof: 3 trusses, 1 certainly, the other probably, jointed crucks, that above the
hall and inner-room division, closed; Alcock type F2 apex carpentry. All timbers
are clean. Listing NGR: ST0684412885
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