(west side) 3/197 Baggarett's Farmhouse GV II* House. C15 and C16, altered in C20. Timber framed, partly plastered with
exposed framing, mainly clad with red brick in Flemish bond, roofed with
handmade red plain tiles. 2-bay hall facing E, with mid-C16 stack in right bay
against rear wall. 2-bay original parlour/solar crosswing to left, extended
forwards by 2 bays in early C16, with internal stack between. C20 crosswing to
right, extending forwards to complete a half-H plan, with central stack. C20
single-storey extensions to right of it. 2 storeys. All windows are C20
casements. C20 door. The gables at front and back are plastered. The exposed
framing at the front of the hall retains the sill and transom of a large
unglazed window in the left bay, now reduced by inserted studding and inserted
moulded mullions to a small first-floor window. The C20 doors at front and back
are in the original apertures. The butt of the central transverse beam of the
mid-C16 inserted floor is visible externally. Original sprockets below eaves.
Jowled posts, close studding. The inserted floor is entirely moulded with
multiple rolls and cavettos - the transverse beam, the longitudinal bridging
beams, the joists of horizontal section, and the pegged clamps which support
their outer ends. The mantel beam of the wide wood-burning hearth is similarly
moulded; some of the brickwork has been repaired with early bricks. A doorway
between the bays of the hall, with double-ogee moulded jambs and
hollow-chamfered 4-centred arch, is a C20 insertion, re-sited from this or
another medieval building. The middle and right trusses of the hall have
cambered tiebeams, chamfered with step stops, each retaining one of 2 deep
arched braces; the right tiebeam is unchamfered on the right side, indicating
that the structure of the present hall was originally butted against an earlier
building - now replaced by the C20 crosswing. Crownpost roof, all rafters and
collars original, octagonal crownpost with step stops and axial bracing, rafter
holes, all heavily smoked-blackened. The front wallplate is rebated for hinged
shutters. The original left crosswing has a moulded binding beam and moulded
joists of horizontal section, all with broach stops. The braces to the central
tiebeam are C20 insertions; there is no access to the roof. The 2-bay forward
extension has a chamfered binding beam, plain joists of horizontal section, and
a crownpost roof with thin axial bracing. The right crosswing incorporates much
re-used hardwood. This house is of exceptional quality throughout, almost
certainly a manor house. A major renovation in the 1930s has introduced some
re-used components and some imitation work, but without adversely affecting the
original structure.
Listing NGR: TL8711431933
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