SE 2293-2393 HORNBY HORNBY PARK 9/45 Hornby Castle 13.2.67 - I
Fortified manor house. Late C15, mid C18 and C20. C15 work for William,
Lord Conyers; C18 work for Robert Conyers Darcy, Earl of Holderness.
Coursed rubble sandstone, lead and stone slate roofs. South range of 2
storeys and 3:3:3 bays, and 3-storey 2-bay tower recessed to right; also
screen walls, remnants of former west and east ranges. South range: mid C18
incorporating C15 work. Sash windows with glazing bars and hoodmoulds,
crenellated parapets above string course. Central 3 bays are canted, and
between floors in central bay is coat of arms of the Earl of Holderness
(azure crusilly with 3 cinquefoils argent), with swags. On ground floor in
third bay a French window; on ground floor in eighth and ninth bays a C15
four-centred arched gateway inside which is ashlar masonry with masons'
marks; barrel vault interrupted by rebated gateway with gate hooks; to left
and right, matching basket-arched doorways with continuous roll and hollow
moulding, the left one blocked, the right one with "IS 1754" inscribed on
jamb. C18 lead rainwater head and pipe between third and fourth bays.
Turret rises above first bay. To right, C15 tower: plinth. On ground
floor, hollow-chamfered window of 4 round-arched lights with stanchions and
hoodmould with heraldic devices on stops; on first floor, C18 sash windows
with glazing bars with ogee-headed top lights in keyed architraves; between
first and second floors 2 gargoyle-like grotesques; on second floor, hollow-
chamfered window of 3 lights with hoodmould; string with corner gargoyles
and crenellated parapets to lead roof. To right, diagonal stepped buttress
has circular panel with a slipped trefoil leaf. Right return of tower:
external chimney stack on ground and first floors, and on either side of it
on both floors a sash window with glazing bars in double-chamfered surround
with hoodmould; on second floor a 2-light window with hoodmould with
decorative stops. To right of tower, single-storey crenellated screen wall
representing outer wall of C18 east wing, with semicircular bay containing.3
window openings with hoodmoulds. Left return of south range: 4 bays of C20
windows of paired lights in ashlar surrounds, and to left, blocked C18
window and lead rainwater head and pipe. Crenellated screen wall represents
continuation of C18 west wing, with 2 blocked bays. Screen wall returns
further to west with blocked ground-floor windows. Courtyard elevation of
south range shows 3 bays to be of C15 date, with 4-pane window on ground
floor; first-floor 8-pane sash window in pointed-arched opening and hollow-
chamfered window of 2 round-arched lights with hoodmould with armorial
devices; two C18 lead rainwater heads and pipes. Interior: ground-floor
room to left of gatehouse is barrel vaulted. South range has, in roof
space, C18 Roman Doric frieze. First-floor room of tower, said to have been
the Duke of Leeds' bedroom, has fielded panel shutters and doors, and
acanthus ceiling of c1800. The C18 ranges, which formed a courtyard, were
demolished c1927 when the south range was remodelled internally and a late
C14 north-west tower, known as St Quintin's Tower after the medieval family
which occupied the castle, was demolished. The old principal entrance, an
early C16 enriched 3-centred arched doorway, was removed and has since been
preserved in the Burrell Museum in Glasgow. VCH i, pp 313-316.
Listing NGR: SE2257593704
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Books and journals Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of York: North Riding, (1914), 313-316
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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