This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 27 April 2022 to remove superfluous amendment details and to reformat the text to current standards SK 76 SW
EAKRING ROAD (west side)
Old Hall Farm House (Formerly listed as Hall Farm House) 11.8.66 G.V.
II* Hunting lodge, now farmhouse. c.1525. Re-roofed and possibly reduced by a storey C19. Probably for Sir John Hussey. Brick, partly rendered, with steep pitched C19 slate roof. C19 rear wings have slab tile roofs. Moulded terra cotta dressings, single ridge, gable and side wall stacks. Two storeys, three bays. L-plan. Windows are C19 and C20 casements, mainly inserted into C16 moulded terra cotta openings, formerly mullioned and with hood moulds. Main east front has to left, Tudor arched doorway with damaged moulded terra cotta architrave, imposts and hood mould, flanked by single C20 casements, and beyond, to right, C20 door in C16 window opening. Above, three C20 casements in C16 openings, that to right with hood mould. South end has to left C19 rear addition, 2 C20 casements and door, and above, two similar casements. To left again, C19 addition, single bay, with door with segmental head, and above, diamond breather and square hatch. Rear elevation has to left, two C20 casements in C16 openings with hood moulds. Above, two smaller C16 openings with hood moulds, that to left blocked, that to right with C20 casement. To right, C19 rear wings and lean-to additions. Dentillated eaves. North side has two C20 casements and door with segmental head. Above, a glazing bar casement. West front has plank door and to right, door and hatch with segmental heads. Above, two C20 casements. North gable has remains of a five light mullioned window with hood mould on each floor, and above again, blocked opening and diamond breather. Interior has unusual moulded terra cotta spiral stair, large staff-moulded span beam, and much repaired principal rafter roof with tenoned purlins, wind braces and tenoned rafters. Single C17 plank door and 2 C19 close boarded doors. Early C19 hob grate. Listing NGR: SK7025564241
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