SO 63 SW
2/30 Church of St Andrew
and St Mary
Parish church. C14 chancel; west tower, nave and south transept 1693-5,
further restoration and alterations 1889 and 1910-12, also during 1920's and
30's. Sandstone rubble and ashlar, slate roof. West porch, west tower, nave
with south porch and south transept, chancel. West porch added during 1930's,
west tower dated 1693, three stages, two moulded string courses, embattled
parapet, diagonal stepped buttresses, 2-light window to second and third
stage; nave, two trefoiled ogee-headed lights with quatrefoil to left of
former south porch, similar 2-light window in former doorway of porch; gable
end of south transept to right with 3-light window in C14 style, 2-light
windows to left and right returns; chancel to right with restored early C14
window, two cinquefoil-headed lights to left, and C14 two trefoil-headed lights
to right; east window: C14, three cinquefoil-headed lights with vertical tracery.
Interior: C17 roof to nave, C16 ceiled roof to chancel with bosses; fittings:
late C17 screen with twisted columns and arch, supporting Royal Arms of William
III. C12 font, octagonal bowl with haphazard folial and geometric motifs;
heavily sculpted reredos of the Last Supper, 1918. South transept mainly
Gregory memorials: William Gregory 1765, wall tablet, relief with putto and
urn; north wall of nave largely rebuilt during early 1920's with memorial
windows to members of Lee family. The early C16 German diptych mentioned by
Pevsner not in situ September 1985. (BoE, p 19; RCHM Vol I, p 91-92).
Listing NGR: SO6115930542
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Books and journals Inventory of Herefordshire I South West, (1931), 91-92 Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Herefordshire, (1963), 19
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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