ST22NW STAPLEGROVE CP BINDON ROAD (North side) 5/246 Yallands Farmhouse 8.4.76 GV II
Farmhouse. C16, West end rebuilt early C17, brick wings added, altered internally early C19, restored late C20.
Rendered, over cob original dwelling, West end rebuilt in red sandstone rubble, red brick Flemish bond wings with
platband set on random rubble plinth, steeply pitched one bay West end with coped verges gable end, shallower pitched
over 3 bays of cob, and brick crosswing all with double Ronan tiles, brick stacks gable ends and between first and
second bays left of original block. Plan: 3 cell and cross passage lying East-West, cross passage enlarged and entrance
resited in North-West wing, cross wing East end. South front: 2 storeys, 1:3:1 bays; end bay right brick crosswing, all
openings late C20 casements, 4-panel door second bay left, wooden, double Roman tiled gabled porch. North front,
remains of two 4-light octagonal mullioned windows, West gable end said to contain stairlight with squire mullion and
internal ogee head. Interior: chamfered lintel to West gable fireplace, moulded plaster cornice, stick stair with cut
string and mahongany handrail, 3 pairs of jointed trusses rising from ground level in cob portion of dwelling. (VAG
Report, unpublished SRO, September 1983).
Listing NGR: ST2083525934
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in September, (1983)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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