This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 21/08/2018 ST 8260
No 1 (The Swan Hotel) including former shop adjoining to south (Formerly listed as No 1 (The Swan Hotel) and former shop adjoining No 1 to south) 18.4.52.
C18 frontage, painted ashlar, two storeys and mansard, modern pantiles upper pitch, stone-tiled lower. Three flat-roofed dormers with casements. Centre portion of facade breaks forward slightly, has rusticated quoins, and pediment. A circular panel in tynpanum bears date (painted) "A.D. 1500", but the building shows no external evidence of so early an origin. On first floor on each side of centre portion are two windows, double-hung sashes with glazing bars, grouped in pairs with architrave surrounds, wide stone mullions between moulded sills with three cut stone brackets under each. All first floor windows have wrought-iron balconettes. Centre window over door is Venetian, with semi-circular-headed centre light, Tuscan pilasters and moulded sill with four brackets under. Moulded cornice and plain parapet over each side unit of facade. Central doorway with semi-circular head, keystone and imposts, fanlight with glazing bars, panelled door. Stone doorcase with Tuscan pilasters and open pediment. On right of door is pair of windows similar to those on first floor, while to left is oblong window and square-headed doorway with half-glazed door. Plain pilasters each side of door, plain frieze and moulded cornice extending over both door and window. The property of the Swan Hotel continues down the street to the left of the front, with a building of lower elevation (formerly a shop). Early 19th century three storeys. Coursed rubble. Hipped pantile roof. Weathered string course. Two windows on second floor. Three paired windows on the first floor. All sashes in plain reveals, glazing bars missing. Original shop-front with recessed central door flanked by shop windows under one wooden fascia. Original sash window of six large panes to right, fixed windows to left. Double doors with rectangular fanlights over. Three panels each door with upper two glazed in each. All the listed buildings in Church Street, the Chantry, Little Chantry, Barton Orchard and the Catholic Church of St Thomas More, Market Street form a group with No 7 and Nos 9 to 19 Barton Orchard, Nos 5 and 6 and 27 to 31 (consec) and wall Newtown. The Swan Hotel also forms a group with No 37 Market Street. Listing NGR: ST8261460991
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