SY 59 NW MAPPERTON MAPPERTON 11-11-1966 Church of All Saints attached
to Mapperton House (formerly
listed as Church of St Mary) GV I Attached Church. c. C12 chancel. Truncated C15 west tower. 1704,
nave rebuilt. 1846 south porch. 1908 vestry restored. Ashlar and
rubble stone walls. Concrete tile roof. Tower and north side of
nave is buttressed. Block west door with moulding returned over.
Tower now under a continuation of the nave roof. Chancel, walls
perhaps C12 (R.C.H.M.), east wall rebuilt. East window has a renewed
head of 1846. Doorway in north-wall connects directly with house.
Nave, rebuilt by Richard Brodrepp in 1704. Three windows in both
north and south walls, of two round-headed lights in a square head.
Reset C13 south doorway. North doorway of nave, block, C18, with a
classical stone architrave. Interior: Roofs, plastered and of pointed
barrel-vault shape. Chancel-arch, 1704, two-centred and chamfered.
Tower- arch is uniform with this. Communion rails: with turned
balusters, plain rails and central gate, c.1704. Glass: C16 roundels,
English and Continental, in all windows of the nave, see R.C.H.M.
reference. Wall-monument, chancel, to Richard Brodrepp, 1737 and
his children George and Etheldred, with busts and shields of arms, by
P. Scheemakers. Font, in vestry, cylindrical bowl, upper part plain,
lower part scalloped, Cl2.
Source: R.C.H.M. Dorset I, p 154 (1).
Listing NGR: SY5034399658
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset I West, (1952), 154Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 12 Dorset,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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