5/53 Outbuilding at Cadeleigh Court
House, in use as outbuilding. Circa 1700, possibly a remodelling of an earlier
building. Dressed local sandstone brought to course with ashlar dressings; corrugated
iron roof, hipped at ends; projecting rear lateral stack with truncated shaft, left
end stack and 2 axial stacks with dismantled shafts.
Plan : Long single depth range, 4 rooms wide on a west-east axis, built on a sloping
site with the result that the south elevation is taller than the north. The plan
form is puzzling and interpertation is made difficult because "none of the interior
partitions is certainly original" (Silvester and Richardson), and the position of the
original doorway or doorways is not clear. The left (east) end room has what appears
to be a kitchen fireplace of a C17 date while the room second from left was heated by
the lateral stack on the south wall and may have been the hall. The stack of the
right (west) end room projects into the putative hall and is probably a subsequent
modification while both the partition walls of the first room from the left appear to
be C19 including the former axial stack. Nothing of the original roof survives and
it is not clear whether any of the openings on the south side are original.
Nevertheless, the north elevation openings are high quality work of circa 1700 with
flat ashlar masonry arches. Silvester and Richardson have suggested the possibility
that the building could be a refronting by Sir Simon Leach (d. 1708) of an earlier
house built by his great grandfather, Sir Simon Leach, (d. 1637) and may have
functioned as an agent or farm manager's house for Cadeleigh Manor.
Exterior 2 storeys. Long, asymmetrical north elevation (but possibly once
symmetrical at ground floor level, (Silvester and Richardson) with 13 ground floor
and 11 first floor openings. The west end has been partly rebuilt at first floor
level and has a slightly higher roofline. The 13 ground floor openings have flat
ashlar masonry arches. The first bays from left and right have doorways, the fifth
bay from the east is a doorway but may originally have been a window and it has been
suggested that the windows in the third bays from left and right may have been
doorways. This would have provided a symmetrical front. The central window is
crowned with a rather decayed coat of arms which may show Leach impaling
Turberville, recording the second marriage of the first Sir Simon Leach (q.v. parish
church) although it has been interpreted as Leach impaling Grenville. 5 of the
ground floor windows retain wooden frames and mullion. The first floor openings have
plain wood or stone lintels, some with probably enlarged embrasures. The south
elevation has a truncated ashlar masonry lateral stack and 6 openings of various
sizes including what is probably a modern doorway at ground floor level 2 metres
above the level of the farmyard to the south.
Interior The fireplace in the left hand (east) room has ashlar masonry jambs and a
scroll-stopped lintel. A rounded recess adjacent to the stack suggests the position
of a former stair. There is no internal access between this room and the rest of the
range. The lateral stack fireplace is blocked and the lintel has been removed but
the chamfered jambs are still visible. The right hand (west) room axial stack
projects into the putative hall and has chamfered jambs and a relieving arch. The
first room front the left has an C18 or C19 fireplace in a partition wall which is
not bonded to the external walls of the building ; circa straight stair between this
room and the putative hall.
An intriguing house with a complex building history on an archaeologically important
site close to 2 small earthwork enclosures. The house, in connection with the
earthworks, is important evidence in the history of Cadeleigh Manor. Both the
earthworks and the house have been discussed in detail by R. J. Silvester and I. J.
Silvester, R. J. and Richardson, I. J., "The Manor of Cadeleigh near Tiverton,"
T.D.A., vol 116, (1984), 13-27.
Listing NGR: SS9198107478
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Books and journals 'Transactions of the Devonshire Association' in Transactions of the Devonshire Association, , Vol. 116, (1984), 13-27
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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