1112-1/28/264 (South West side)
24/06/83 No.39 GV II Two houses, now one shop. Left house early C18; right house
late C18; modernised in late C20. Colour-washed incised stucco
with slate and tile roofs, right part hipped with brick stack.
EXTERIOR: left front 3 storeys and attic, 3 windows; right
front 4 storeys, 2 windows. C20 shopfront. All first, second
and third floor windows are 1-pane sashes in raised
architraves with painted stone sills. Attic windows in left
house are 4-pane sashes beneath segmental pedimented gables
with ball finials. Left house has dentilled console cornice;
right house a bold dentil and modillion cornice, returned at
each end.
INTERIOR: right house: has staircase from ground to third
floor, bottom flight reset, rising around top-lit well:
staircase has open string, turned balusters, two to a tread,
and flat, moulded handrail, ramped-up to each flight and
parallel dado rail. First floor: two doorcases with moulded
surrounds and modillion cornice overdoors on landing. Front
room fitted with panelling above moulded dado rail, some
panels eared and shouldered and enriched with egg and flower
carving. Window architraves similarly enriched. Fireplace
enriched with composition mouldings of vases, twisted festoons
and medallions, beneath enriched eared and shouldered
overmantel panel. Richly moulded cornice. Back room retains
some plain panelling and part of dentilled cornice: fireplace
has sunk panel jambs, enriched with composition mouldings of
wheatear drops, panelled frieze with floral roundels at each
end, panels of anthemion, and centre panel with classical
figures: pedimented and eared overmantel panel.
Left house: on second floor, front room fully lined with
bolection moulded panelling, with dado rail and bold cornice:
fireplace has fasciated surround and plain shelf, and fine
cast-iron grate.
(City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 127).
Listing NGR: SE6022651753
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Books and journals An Inventory of the City of York V Central, (1981), 127
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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