This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 05/10/2012
TQ 75 SE
Hayle Mill (Formerly listed as
Drying Lofts at Hayle Mill)
Paperworks. Circa 1800, and originally a water powered paper mill; with ongoing additions and
alterations up to late C20, including replacement overshot waterwheel of 1878, mill chimney
of 1891, and incorporating former mill house, now offices.
Earliest phases of Kentish ragstone supporting early C19 timber frame, later additions of buff
brick some with weatherboarded upper floors. Natural slate and corrugated sheet roof covering.
Works complex developed around drying loft building incorporating water wheel and drive
within lower floor, and finishing salle. Attached are ancillary buildings associated with
preparatory and finishing stages of paper making, including vat house, machine house with rag-
cutting loft, broke and pulp stores, boiler house, offices formed from mill house, and ancillary
single storey ranges housing beater room, boiling and size preparation rooms, all attached and
running parallel, or at right angles, to the core drying loft.
DRYING LOFT of two storeys and sixteen closely spaced timber-framed bays supporting
shouldered king post trusses and hipped slated roof: Louvred sides to upper floor with louvred
doors to provide draught for drying. Building on east west alignment with broad overshot
water wheel taking water feed from south. Wheel housed internally in wheel room, with beater
room then glazing room to west. Above, former drying floor, now with C20 paper-drying
machinery to east end, but with paper drying trebbles remaining in situ at west end.
At south-west corner of drying loft, WEST LONG ROOM (finishing salle) two storeyed
range of 14 window bays, extends northwards with extension at north end of six window bays,
giving continuous glazing to first floor sidewalls beneath a low pitched slate roof.
At centre of drying loft north wall, VAT HOUSE extends northwards. Single storey; brick
with weatherboarded gable beneath corrugated sheet roof.
At north east corner of drying loft, MACHINE HOUSE WITH RAG CUTTING LOFT
extends northwards. Two storey, painted brick to ground floor, upper floor of 14 window bays
to west side, with 17 windows to east side, and two windows flanking each side of
weatherboarded former central doorway to north gable. Swivelling casements resembling sash
windows to gable apex. Weatherboarded gable with central window. At south east corner of
drying loft, and extending southwards from south end of the rag cutting loft, BROKE AND
PULP STORES. Pair of wide timber-framed and weather boarded buildings beneath wide, low
pitched slate roofs. The easternmost part is angled southwards, and the overflow sluice from
the mill pond runs below. Brick and stone east side wall. To the north east corner of the
easternmost broke and pulp store, tall tapering circular brick CHIMNEY dated 1891 and
attached BOILER HOUSE of 7 bays, beneath corrugated sheet roof. Early C20 coal-fired
boiler and diesel-fired boiler c1960 within. Western lean-to extension, formerly ashlees room.
Attached to north end of extension to west long room, OFFICES, formerly MILL HOUSE.
Circa 1800. Random Kentish ragstone to ground floor plastered first floor, with brick end stacks
below low pitched hipped slate roof Double pile plan. 2 storeys, 3 bays with shallow glazing
bar sash windowed bays to east front ground floor, 8 over 8 panes to centre, 4 over 4 panes to
flanking lights, with three 6 over 6 pane sashes to first floor. Central door with altered doorcase
and transom light.
To the south of the drying loft attached, and running parallel to the mill dam ANCILLARY
Single storey, the outer early C20 range concealing inner late C19 range, of Fletton brick with
large metal windows.
Hayle Mill is a fully developed and near complete example of a late C19 integrated paper-
making complex which displays the characteristics of both water powered and fully mechanised
paper-making technology on a single site. The site has evolved around the highly-significant
drying loft, specifically designed to provide a controlled flow of air through louvred side walls
for drying purposes above a centrally located integral water wheel.
Listing NGR: TQ7617455579