784-1/24/315 (South East side)
Nos.49-63 (odd) Carmel House GV II 7 shops with offices above. Dated 1890, with late C20
alterations. Ashlar with steep pitched slate roof with various
grouped coped stacks. Gothic Revival style.
EXTERIOR: 4 storeys plus attics; 13 window range. Curving
facade on corner site. Windows are mainly cross-mullioned
casements. First floor has an off-centre canted oriel window.
To left, six 2-light windows, the 2 to left being taller. To
right, 4 similar windows arranged in pairs, then another
canted oriel window. The windows have round heads with carved
tympana, and decorated cornices above. The oriel windows have
round-headed central lights with toplights and flanking
lights. Above, a shallow floor with bays defined by thin
pilasters and a cornice with animal figures. Similar window
arrangement to the floor below, with ten 3-light round-headed
windows with flattened ogee hoodmoulds and finials which
intersect the cornice. The 4 windows to right are paired. The
oriel windows have a segment-headed recess containing a
round-headed 2-light mullioned window, and on either side,
single round-headed lights. Third floor has the same window
arrangement with 6 large 3-light cross mullioned windows to
left and 4 paired 2-light windows to right. The oriel windows
have 3-light windows with flanking lights. Above, a carved
frieze with bosses and animal figures. Attic floor has a
crenellated parapet framing 10 gable dormers, each with a
2-light cross mullioned, pointed arch window with plate
tracery. Oriel windows have larger dormers with finials and
flat-headed triple lancets fronted by canted pseudo-balconies
with large segmental openings.
Entrance bay, to left, has on the first floor a 2-storey
round-arched recess with a 3-light cross mullioned window on
each stage and a panelled transom between them. Above, a
3-light window on the third floor, and above it, a gabled
dormer similar to those over the oriel windows, but without
the balcony. On the ground floor, a round-arched entrance. To
right, the ground floor has 7 late C20 shopfronts with a blind
arcaded balustrade with engaged octagonal shafts above them.
Between the 2 shopfronts to far right, a small round-headed
doorway with a blank round-headed window above it, with
decorated spandrels.
INTERIOR remodelled late C20.
Listing NGR: SK3539787282
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