MAIN ROAD, Wilford
(East side)
Wilford Endowed School and attached boundary wall
(Formerly Listed as:
MAIN ROAD, Wilford
Wilford School (formerly listed in the Urban District of West Bridgford)) II Primary school and boundary wall. 1736 and 1868. Founded and
endowed as a charity school by Benjamin Carter, rector
1694-1732. Comprises former school house and adjoining
classroom block.
School house, 1736, altered and refenestrated early C20.
Roughcast and colourwashed, with renewed plain tile roof and
coped gables with 4 gable stacks. Plinth and first floor band.
2 storeys; 3 bays. Double range plan. Windows are mainly
wooden cross casements. South front has 3 windows, and above
the centre window, an inscribed slate tablet recording the
foundation, signed by W Tilly. Above, 2 gabled through-eaves
dormers, each with a window. Rear has a central square porch,
2 storeys, mid C19 with steps to side door, single window, and
parapet. On each side, a window on each floor, the upper
windows in through-eaves dormers.
Classroom block, 1868, is attached at right angles, parallel
to the street. Red brick with ashlar dressings and slate roof
with tile crest and 4 coped side wall stacks. Tudor Revival
style. Plinth and quoins. Single storey plus attics; 3 bays.
E-plan. Windows are mainly wooden framed cross casements with
stone surrounds and mullions. Central shaped gable with finial
and renewed clock. Double window. Side bays have an original
window to right, and two C20 windows to left. Above, 2 box
dormers. End bays have gables with bargeboards and finials.
Right gable has an original window, the left a flat roofed
Outside, brick boundary wall, C19, with brick coping and 2
pairs of square gate piers. Gate opposite the centre blocked.
(Wilford School through 200 years: Lawson M: Wilford: 1986-). Listing NGR: SK5663537449
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Books and journals Lawson, M , Wilford School through 200 Years, (1986)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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