SE 0423 & SE 0523
(south side, off)
18.2.87 Greenups Mill
Wool textile mill now commercial premises. 1793 for William Greenup
(Fitzgerald) with additions and alterations 2nd ½ C19. Coursed stone, stone
slate roof. 4 storeys, 10 bays with block added to south, front additions
to either end of east front, and wings added at right-angle projecting from
either end of west front, all these additions being not of special interest.
East front: gable over 3 central bays. Ground floor: much altered; bays
5 and 6 have inserted shouldered carriage-arch, the arch replaced by a girder;
to right of this a blocked round archway (probably originally one of a pair),
a window, a wide doorway now window, another window. 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors
each have a central loading door with an oculus above in the gable and windows
with plain stone surrounds, the cills lowered in order to accommodate later
9-Pane windows. Louvres to ridge. Rear of main range: windows as front;
a round-arched doorway flanked by wide lights (said to make access to water
courses (Fitzgerald) and above it, to left , a loading door. Shaped gutter
brackets. Interior: cast-iron columns, reportedly post-1840 (Fitzgerald)
supporting large-scantling cross-beams. Upper floors not inspected, but
reported to have queen-post timber roof trusses with later gallery inserted
between queen posts (Fitzgerald). Although there has been mill on the
site since at least 1752 and mill buildings were built and added to throughout
the 2nd ½ of the C18 it appears that the mill which now occupies the site
was built in 1793, the building date given by George Greenup (son of William
Greenup) at an enquiry of 1834. The mill was water-powered and used for
woollen-carding, spinning and filling. Fitzgerald suggests that William
Greenup must share with Benjamin Gott of Bean Ing Mill, Leeds, the credit
for pioneering attempts to factoryise the entire process of cloth manufacture,
although Gott's complex (built in 1792) was entirely steam-powered. Calderdale
Archive Service, Wi11iam and George Grrenup: Sowerby Bridge: Merchants 1754-1824
SPL : 384-385; RS Fitzgerald, "Reviving the heart of Sowerby Bridge Appendix
A', typescript; RCHM (E) report.
Listing NGR: SE0599623569
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