31/01/67 BRAMPTON
Pratt Hall and attached outbuildings
(Formerly Listed as:
II House. Early C17, substantially remodelled c1700, and with C19
and C20 alterations. Coursed rubble Coal Measures Sandstone
with gritstone dressings to C17 part, sandstone dressings to
C18 part, quoins, coped gables with moulded kneelers, and
rendered gable stacks. Concrete tiled and stone slated roof.
L-plan house, with attached outbuilding to north-west end of
south-west elevation. 2 storeys and 3 bays, with massive
lintel and quoined surround to doorway at north-west end. To
the north-west a C20 two-light casement window. To the
south-east, a single-light C18 window, a blocked doorway, and
a C19 two-light casement beneath a plain head. Central 2-light
chamfered mullioned window, flanked by two 3-light C18
windows, all with slightly projecting heads with a concave
quadrant moulding to the front edge, giving a window head with
integral drip mould. All first floor windows with plain timber
casements. South-east elevation with a C18 and a C17 two-light
window, the former mullioned, the latter a relocated C17
window, now with the mullion removed, beneath a drip mould.
Two blocked oeil-de-boeuf windows to gable apex.
Single-bay rear range with rebuilt gable wall, slightly set
back from gable of front range. Ground-floor C17 five-light
recessed chamfered mullioned window beneath drip mould, and a
4-light window above, of similar date. Inserted C18
single-light window to the north-east of the first floor
window. North-west elevation of rear range has a blocked C18
INTERIOR: remaining bay of C17 house with beamed ceiling with
pyramidal stop to spine beam chamfer, and chamfered and
stopped joists: north-east end of spine beam covered with
later cladding, suggesting a removed hearth. Timber studded
wall to rear side wall of room, with socket for possible
removed bressumer. Stud partition to first floor separating a
narrow corridor from main chamber. C18 panelled doors
throughout house. C18 hearth to north-west gable ground-floor
wall, with massive lintel carried on jowelled jambs. Attached
outbuilding on two levels, single storey to the southwest,
with an offshut at a lower level to the north- east side, and
an overloft at the north-west end. Stone slated roof, covered
in pitch and hessian. Listing NGR: SK3273673157
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