This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 13 July 2021 to update the name and address and to reformat the text to current standards SE2934NW
05/08/76 LEEDS
University Of Leeds
Maurice Keyworth Building (Formerly listed as Leeds Grammar School, previously listed as MOORLAND ROAD Grammar School) 05/08/76 II Grammar school and headmaster's house. 1858-59 and 1904-5, altered C20. By EM Barry. Coursed gritstone, steep-pitched fish-scale slate roof. Cruciform plan with later addition of 1904-5 by Austin and Paley to west. Gothic Revival style. Two tall storeys. Original school: decorated traceried windows with six small gables; depressed-arch ground-floor windows. Gabled cross-wing right has four-light traceried window, balustraded balcony to first floor. Main entrance to left of this bay has double doors with quatrefoil panels, moulded shouldered arch, attached columns. glazed traceried overlight, hoodmould with inscription: 'NISI DOMINUS AEDIFICAVERIT DOMUM IN VANUM LABORAVERUNT QUI AEDIFICANT EAM'. Carved frieze at floor level. Rear: upper storeys added; later range (left) has inscription: 'A.M.D.S. 'NISI DOMINUS FRUSTRA' 'AD iii KAL MAI MCMIV'. Left return: paired two-light windows to ground floor, four-light traceried window above, octagonal corner buttresses with pinnacles, two-bay extension to left, the left bay recessed, the right bay with arched entrance, roses in spandrels, shield above, cross windows. Front right: attached headmaster's house, now offices: two bays, the right bay breaks forward slightly and is gabled, with hallow projecting stack between cusped windows with hoodmoulds, three- and two-light windows to left bay; right return: two-storey canted bay window with traceried and cusped lights, gable window with hoodmould above. Later range set back on right: four bays, buttresses between six-light transomed windows, gables with quatrefoil piercings, gable coping with gabled kneeler right. INTERIOR: the main range contains the upper floor assembly hall, now library. Over the entrance, inside, a plaster plaque of Christ in the Temple (brought from the school premises in North Street); carved capitals to attached columns between dormer windows, eleven collar-beam trusses with cusped decoration. EM Barry was the third son of Sir Charles, the architect of the Houses of Parliament, and brother of the headmaster of the Grammar School. Listing NGR: SE2897434728
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