This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 20 June 2024 to amend the name and address, amend description due to a change in building use and reformat the text to current standards SD31NW
664-1/1/18 SOUTHPORT
No 8, Sunnymede
(Formerly listed as WESTCLIFFE ROAD No.4, Sunnymede School, Birkdale, previously listed as: WESTCLIFFE ROAD, No.4 Wyborne Gate)
Villa, at time of listing in use as school, later converted into apartments. Probably c1850-60; altered and enlarged. Painted stucco with stone quoins (now sandtexed to the same colour), slate roofs on several levels, hipped to the main range. Italianate style. Irregular plan formed by double-pile main range on north-south axis with north-east corner tower, and service extension to rear.
EXTERIOR: two storeys except tower which is three-storeyed. Asymmetrical north entrance front of 1:3 bays, the first being the tower. The three bay main range, with rusticated quoins to the right and prominent bracketed eaves, has a rectangular two storey porch in the centre, with a round-headed arch which has a keystone and enriched spandrels, a round-headed inner doorway with margin panes, a prominent dentilled cornice to the ground floor carried round, a round-headed sashed window at first floor with moulded architrave including imposts and keystone, and a dentilled cornice at eaves level surmounted by a pierced parapet; to the left of the porch are two vertically-aligned stair windows, both with moulded architraves and the upper round-headed, and to the right is only one large 2/2 sash at ground floor, with a corniced architrave. The corner tower to the left, with quoins to the ground floor, panelled giant corner pilasters to the upper floors, prominent bracketed eaves and a pyramidal roof with apex finial, has at ground floor one 2/2 sash with eared architrave at the front and a similar window in the left side. Raised panel with shield at first floor and a sashed window in the left side with a pedimented architrave. Arcaded windows of two- and three-lights at second floor of the front and side respectively. Two ridge chimneys. The east return wall of the main range, in similar style, has an oculus at first floor and a two storey canted bay window beyond that; the four-window west (garden) front has a very wide canted bay window at ground floor of the first two bays, a doorway and a window at ground floor with corniced architraves, and 2/2 sashes at first floor with eared architraves. INTERIOR: altered. Listing NGR: SD3283416756
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