ASHFORD BOWDLER SO5170 Grove Farmhouse
(Formerly Listed as:
The Grove (Grove Farm)) GV II Farmhouse. Late C16 or early C17 range, early or mid C18
extension and late C18 range. Irregular linear 3-phase
development. Earliest phase: painted timber-frame with painted
render infill panels on rubble stone plinth, C18 brick cross
wings, plain-tile roof. Later phases: brick with dentil course
eaves and plain gabled and hipped roofs, projecting brick
eaves chimneys.
EXTERIOR: earliest phase to east of 2 storeys, attic and
cellar to brick cross wings, twin gabled front with 3-light
casements to left gable and 2-light casements to attics. Right
return side with, to left, single mullion and transom window
with casements, to right the timber-framed gable end of C16 or
C17 range; square framing 3 panels high with jowled posts and
leaded-light casements, gable-end truss of straight tie beam
with cyma moulded chamfer and run-out stops, principals with
parallel raking struts half-lapped to form diagonal pattern,
double trenched purlin roof, single 2-light attic casement.
Rear of square framing 3 panels high with 2 mullion windows
with later transoms and iron casements, some with leaded
lights; tiled gabled dormer window with 2-light casement,
mullioned 4-light cellar window.
Central phase: 2-storey range facing street linking earliest
and later range; 2-window range of 8/8 sashes in
elliptical-arched openings, multi-pane casements at ground
floor, 6-panel entrance door to left under projecting tiled
gabled porch. Rear with ground-floor mullion and transom
window with leaded lights in iron casements in
segmental-arched opening.
Main C18 range to west: 3-storey and cellar range with formal
facade to left return side facing west. Three 6/6 sashes with
gauged brick lintels, the central window extended down by
wooden apron to porch. 3/3 sashes to attic, 2 venetian windows
to ground floor with 4/4:6/6:4/4 sashes and Gothick-style
intersecting glazing bars to centre heads. Central
semicircular flat-roofed brick projecting entrance porch,
6-panelled door with fanlight with Gothick-style intersecting
glazing bars set in stone doorcase with plain pilasters and
entablature, flanking 4/4 sashes with gauged brick lintels.
Return side facing north: 2-storey canted bay window with
hipped slate roof, three 6/6 sashes to each storey, 3/3 attic
sash with gauged brick lintel.
INTERIOR: not inspected. Listing NGR: SO5171370656
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