630-1/13/817 (North side)
12/03/55 Nos.13-27 AND 27A (Odd)
Trident House (No.27A), and attached
railings to Nos.15-21 and 27
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
Nos.13-27 (Odd)
and Fauconburg Lodge (No.104 St
George's Place)) GV II* Terrace of 9 houses. c1837-40. Architect probably Robert
Morris. Stucco over brick with slate roof and brick and stucco
party-wall stacks; wrought-iron balconies and railings.
Double-depth plan with side hallways and 3-storey service
wings to rear.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys with basement, 27 first-floor windows (3
per house). End houses project slightly and have round-arched
windows on ground floor and square headed on 1st floor, the
opposite way round to rest of terrace with round-arched
windows to first floor with archivolts and impost mouldings.
Stucco detailing includes: horizontal rustication to ground
floor; 3/4 engaged Corinthian columns between each window and
pilasters to end houses, surmounted by projecting dentil
entablature; attic storey has crowning frieze and cornice with
low parapet. Ground and first floors have 6/6 sashes where
original, some with radial glazing to heads; second floor has
3/6 sashes, all in plain reveals and with sills; blind boxes
to several windows (Nos 19, 21, 23 and 27). Entrances: at
right sides and to returns, flights of roll-edged steps to
panelled doors with sidelights and overlights, some with
ornate radial glazing bars.
Returns (alike) have 3 first-floor windows. Central entrances
with flights of roll-edged steps to 4-panel, part-glazed doors
and double doors with decorative overlights, within surrounds
with channelled pilasters and frieze with triglyphs and
metopes, that to right has Doric columns in antis, to first
and second floors the pilasters continue and have sunk panels,
interrupted by continuous cornices over ground, first and
second floors. 6/6 and 3/6 sash to centre, otherwise blind
openings, those to ground floor are round-arched; ground and
first-floor windows in tooled architraves. Rear: retains many
6/6, 8/8 and 3/3 sashes.
INTERIOR: retain original joinery and plasterwork including
dogleg staircases with wreathed handrails and embellished
rods; otherwise not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: ground floor has individual balconies.
First floor has continuous balconies. Mainly arrowhead area
railings. Stick balusters to sides of steps with wreathed
handrails. Rear: No.27 has 2 individual balconies with
interlaced circles and embellished rods.
HISTORICAL NOTE: the land for this development was sold in
1837 for »50,000 to a joint stock company, the Bayshill Estate
Company, following the death of Revd Richard Skillicorne
(1834). The Bayshill Estate included Bayshill Road (qv) and
Parabola Road (qv). The terrace bears a similarity to a design
carried out in 1825 for Robert Morris by JB Papworth,
differing in the omission of one storey and half-round arches
over the first-floor windows.
Radford observes, 'The ends of the terrace are carefully
detailed which is unusual for Cheltenham terraces'.
Trident House was formerly known as Fauconberg Lodge.
(Sampson A and Blake S: A Cheltenham Companion: Cheltenham:
1993-: 11; Radford S: The Terraced Houses of Cheltenham
1800-1850: 1992-: 122-131).
Listing NGR: SO9456222283
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Books and journals Radford, S, The Terraced Houses of Cheltenham 1880-1850, (1992), 122-131 Sampson, A, Blake, S , A Cheltenham Companion, (1993), 11
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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