1941-1/9/241 (South side)
08/10/53 Vicars' Court, Nos.3 and 3A,
Priests' Vicars Houses GV I Former priests' vicars lodgings, now 2 houses. Begun late C13
by Bishop Sutton and completed c1309. Altered C15. Reroofed
and altered late C17, further altered late C17, C18 and C19.
Dressed stone with pantile roof and 2 gable stacks. Chamfered
string course and 7 corbels to north front.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, 6 bays. North front has an off-centre
wooden doorcase with overlight, late C18, and to its right, a
simpler doorcase, late C20. Irregular fenestration, much
restored, with two 2-light pointed arched windows on each
floor, and an additional single lancet above.
Rear elevation has double chamfered plinth and coped parapet.
2 square garderobe shafts, 3 storeys, with parapets and arched
openings, now mostly blocked, in their bases. Between them, a
buttress, 2 setoffs, flanked by single buttress stacks. At the
east end, a buttress stack and another plain buttress.
Fenestration includes 3 arched openings with hoodmoulds,
reglazed C19, and to right, flat headed windows, C15, with 3
and 4 lights and hoodmoulds. Above, six 2-light pointed arched
windows with hoodmoulds, mostly reglazed, 4 of them with
Return angle to north, forming part of the west range, has to
left a renewed 2-light pointed arched window and doorway with
hoodmoulds, and to right, a blocked doorway, C14. Above, a
restored 2-light pointed arched window, C14. To left, 2
pointed arched loops one above another, the upper one blocked.
INTERIOR has a central stone spiral staircase with a round
newel below and a chamfered newel above, with chamfered arched
doorways. First floor has 2 window seats and fragments of C14
window glass. On the south side, 2 concealed original
fireplaces. At the west end, a panelled room, c1670. Remains
of original arch braced roof with faceted corbels.
This building is the earliest known example of a range of
lodgings served by a common stair, in the manner of a
University college.
(Buildings of England : Lincolnshire: Pevsner N: Lincolnshire:
London: 1989-: 489-491; Jones S: The Survey of Ancient Houses
in Lincoln: Lincoln: 1987-: 40-62; Report and overall
assessment of listable quality: Hewlings R: Secular
properties..... in Lincoln Minster Close: London: 1987-).
Listing NGR: SK9784671675
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Books and journals Hewlings, R, Secular properties in Lincoln Minster Close, (1987) Jones, , Major, , Varley, , The Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln (2nd fascicule), (1987), 40-62 Pevsner, N, Harris, J, Antram, N, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, (1989), 489-491
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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