This entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 11 November 2024 to replace numerals with words. The GIS triangle depiction was moved from ST7595963976 to ST7605763879, thus placing it on the correct building. The grid reference was removed from the Details text. 656-1/56/1908 WIDCOMBE HILL (South side) Coach house to Crowe Hall 05/08/75 GV II Former coach house to south-east of house. Late C18 or early C19. MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate or pantile roofs. PLAN: Complex of structures, set on terrace on deep retaining wall to rear, main range symmetrical hipped unit with central pedimented section brought forward. EXTERIOR: Single storey. Centre has elliptical oculus with radial bars above two wide elliptical arched openings, blocked, but each with three light window with transom, and small-pane casements (former list gives these as sashes). Above arches, flush with flush keystone, broad platband, lower than adjoining eaves levels. To each side plank door under radial fanlight, and paired twelve pane sashes with flush stone mullion. Small ridge stack to left of centre, and further to left. Attached to right hand end wide niche with stone half-dome and pedimented front with wide plain arch. Rear, rising directly from retaining wall, includes large paired twelve-pane sash and various smaller lights. At left hand end two further units have been added, first has coped gables, with small plank loading door above wide set of sliding doors, and other, set back, has coped gables to front and rear, with lower brought-forward wall containing wide sliding door, and plank door with transom light, end unit has pantiled roof. INTERIOR: not inspected. Altered to form two dwellings in 1987. Part of the imposing Crowe Hall estate, this stable building emphasises the affluent grandeur of the parent house yet retains an intrinsic interest for its elevation.
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