Pelham Place, Hastings, East Sussex

Postcard showing a view from the south-west looking up at the terraced houses of Pelham Place. Pelham Place was designed by architect Joseph Kaye in 1824-8 and bulit for the Earl of Chichester Sir Thomas Pelham as housing. It was a continuation of Pelham Crescent which was built into the cliff facing the sea. Only the left hand section, nunbers 7, 8, and 9A remained in 2007 - their ground floors used as shops and amusements. A battery of cannons stood along the beach from 1760 at the time of the Napoleonic war. The battery was dismantled in 1817 but it appears that at least one of the cannons was left in place.


East Sussex Hastings


Victorian (1837 - 1901)


house housing seaside defence