St Andrews Church, Church street, Clifton Campville, Tamworth

St Andrews Church, Church street, Clifton Campville, Tamworth B79 0AR

St Andrew's is considered to be one of the finest mediaeval parish churches in the Midlands as is reflected in its Grade I listing and feature in Sir Simon Jenkins's 1000 Best Churches. The church stands on a hill and its tower is topped by a 201ft elegant spire, supported by four beautiful flying buttresses providing a landmark for many miles around. As one approaches the church one cannot but be impressed both by its size and setting in a large rural churchyard where a conglomerate of varying shapes and sizes of grave stones reflect the changing taste of several centuries. Upon entering the church, which is usually open daily with the help from our volunteers from 9.30am to 4.30 pm – earlier during the dark winter days – most visitors are quite overwhelmed by its beauty and sense of peace and tranquillity. St Andrew's certainly has the ‘wow' factor!

Opening Arrangements

Our church is open each day from 10pm - 5pm during daylight hours. (We are occasionally open earlier)

Parking Spaces