Shelfield House / Shelfield Square Farm

4 Feb 2002
Shelfield House, Aston Cantlow, Stratford On Avon, Warwickshire, B49 6JL
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Shelfield Square Farm, Aston Cantlow, Stratford On Avon, Warwickshire, B49 6JL
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

ASTON CANTLOW SHELFIELD SP16SW 5/55 Shelfield House 01/02/67


Shown on O.S. map as Shelfield Square Farm.

House. Early 017 origins but mainly c.1700, with C19 additions. Built for the Skinner family. Red Flemish bond brick, with rusticated stone quoins and moulded stone plinth, string courses and cornice. Tile hipped roof; brick panelled internal stacks. Central staircase plan. 2 storeys and attic; 3. x 3 bays, with short lower addition on left. Central entrance has 6-panelled part-glazed door and panelled intrados. Finely moulded wood doorcase with Tuscan pilasters, entablature with triglyph frieze and moulded cornice. 16-pane sashes with moulded frames under gauged brick flat arches with keystones. 3 pedimented casement dormers. Wing to left as sash with gauged brick flat arch on ground floor only. Right return side has C19 casements. Blocked central window.

Pedimented dormer to both return sides. Left return side has original leaded-light cross window on first floor. To rear: 4-window range. 2 large gables. C19 casements under segmental brick arches. Flush 6-panelled door.

Interior: Entrance hall has otter. fireplace with chamfered bressumer. Exposed timber framing. Room to right has fine bolection-moulded panelling of c.1700.

Room to rear has bolection-moulded stone fireplace. Said to be similar fireplace in a bedroom. 2-panelled doors with H-L hinges. Staircase with turned balusters.

Kitchen has open fireplace. Forms part of group with gatepiers (q.v.), dovecote (q.v.) and cartshed (q.v.).

(V.C.H.: Warwickshire, Vol.III, p.33; Buildings of England: Warwickshire, Vol.III, p.296).

Listing NGR: SP1200062000


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1791 IOE Records taken by Helmut Schulenburg; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Helmut Schulenburg. Source: Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Schulenburg, Helmut

Rights Holder: Schulenburg, Helmut


Brick, Stone, Tile, Timber, Tudor Timber Framed House, Elizabethan Monument (By Form), Stuart Timber Framed Building, Jacobean House, Domestic, Dwelling