Trucklegate Farmhouse

2 Sep 2004
Trucklegate Farmhouse, Uplowman, Mid Devon, Devon
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.

UPLOWMAN ST 01 NW 4/177 Trucklegate Farmhouse - - II Farmhouse. Early C16 with major later C16 and Cl7 improvements, some C19 alterations. Plastered cob on stone rubble footings; stone rubble stacks topped with C19 and C20 brick; coated slate roof.

Plan and development: 3-room-and-through-passage plan house built on level ground facing south. At the right (east) end there is a small unheated inner room. The hall has a projecting rear lateral stack. On the lower side of the passage there is a narrow dairy and kitchen with a large gable-end stack.

The one surviving original truss (over the hall, inner room partition) is smoke- blackened and indicates that the original house was open to the roof from end to end, divided by low partitions, and was heated by an open hearth fire. From the mid C16 to the mid Cl7 the hall fireplace was inserted and the house progressively floored over. The service end was probably built as a kitchen in the mid C17.

House is 2 storeys.

Exterior: irregular 4-window front of late C19 and C20 casements, the latest without glazing bars, and left of centre is a maybe C18 casement with one light containing small rectangular panes of old glass in an iron frame. The passage front doorway is roughly central and contains a C20 part-glazed plank door. The service end front is recessed very slightly from the main front. The roof is gable-ended.

At the back of the C20 leanto porch contains a reused Cl7 oak 2-light window with chamfered mullion.

Interior: both sides of the through-passage are lined with oak plank-and-muntin screens. The upper (hall side) screen is less complete than the lower one which includes a blocked shoulder-headed doorway. Also, on the back of this screen, the centre and end studs have corbels carved out of the solid oak. These were provided to support the axial beams of the service end before it was rebuilt in the mid Cl? with a new ceiling. The axial beams in the service end kitchen and in the hall are soffit-chamfered with step stops. The kitchen fireplace is blocked. The alcove alongside may have been a walk-in curing chamber. The hall fireplace is also blocked but its soffit-chamfered oak lintel shows. It once had a projecting ledge but this has been cut off. The hall/inner room partition is plastered over although the farmer reported that an arch-headed doorway has been removed. The only original roof truss is a side-pegged jointed cruck with cambered collar over that partition.

It was originally open and it is smoke-blackened from the original open hearth fire.

The rest of the roof was replaced at a higher level in the C19.

Listing NGR: ST0027015522


This is part of the Series: IOE01/0917 IOE Records taken by Terence Harper; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Terence Harper. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Harper, Terence

Rights Holder: Harper, Terence


Cob, Plaster, Rubble, Slate, Stone, Timber, Medieval Farmhouse, Tudor Domestic, Agricultural Dwelling, Dwelling, House, Agriculture And Subsistence, Farm Building, Agricultural Building, Cross Passage House, Monument (By Form), Cruck House, Timber Framed House, Timber Framed Building, Open Hall House, Hall House, Dairy, Food And Drink Processing Site