Job: Madeira Terrace, Madeira Drive, Kemptown, City of Brighton, Brighton and Hove, East Sussex

19 Sep 2024
Madeira Terrace, Madeira Drive, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove
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Taken for 'Black History Month'. Photographer's note: 'Memorial column and sculpture. 1839-1842, the design by William Railton; the crowning statue by E.H Baily; the bas-relief panels by J.E Carew, J. Ternouth, M.L Watson and W.F Woodington; the lions added 1867, by Sir Edwin Landseer. Granite and bronze. Tall stepped plinth with lions at angles, lofty coursed pedestal with bronze bas-reliefs and great fluted granite column with bronze Corinthian capital surmounted by the stone statue of Nelson. Noteworthy quality of the four bas-relief panels on the pedestal, depicting Nelson's famous naval victories. Landseer's lions were cast by Baron Marochetti between 1858 and 1867. Trafalgar Square, known as such from 1830, owes its town planning origin to an initial proposal of Nash's of 1811-12 fully elaborated and laid out as the major executed feature of Nash's Metropolitan - West Strand improvements of 1824-26.'


This is part of the Volume: VF000004 Heritage at Risk; within the Series: EHC01/176 Heritage at Risk; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Job is divided into 44 Child Records


© Historic England Archive

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Photographer: Redgrave, Christopher: Historic England

