Series: Early Photographic Print Collection: Essex

1855 - 1989
Series containing Photographic, Graphic and Electronic material
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A series of 221 items, predominantly photographic prints, showing various locations in the county of Essex. The series includes photographs taken in other counties which have been mounted on the reverse of those taken in Essex, including Llandaff Cathedral, Wales, Tewkesbury Abbey and Pendell Court, Surrey.


This is part of the Collection: RBO01 Early Photographic Print Collection

This Series is divided into 592 Child Records
This Series contains the following materials:
Photograph (Albumen Print): 63
Photograph (Carbon Print): 2
Photograph (Developing Out Paper Print): 51
Photograph (Gelatine Print): 146
Photograph (Halftone): 7
Photograph (Negative): 35
Photograph (Platinum Print): 8
Photograph (Postcard - Halftone): 3
Photograph (Postcard - Photographic): 83
Photograph (Print): 139
Photograph (Printing Out Paper Print): 50
Measured Drawing: 1
Print - Mechanical: 4
Photograph (Digital): 20


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