Volume: Album on St Paul's Cathedral

1880 - 1987
Volume containing Photographic, Graphic, Textual and Miscellaneous material
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Album of photographs, postcards and illustrated cuttings and extracts on St Paul's Cathedral. Focussing on interiors, the albums has good coverage of the paintings of the dome before and after cleaning, the High altar, St Dunstan's Chapel and the chapel of St Michael and St George. Coverage dates from c.1880 to 1987, most in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


This is part of the Series: COB01/01 Series of Albums; within the Collection: COB01 Gerald Cobb

This Volume is divided into 120 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Postcard - Photographic): 20
Photograph (Print): 42
Photograph Album: 1
Engraving: 1
Print - Mechanical: 1
Extract/Cutting: 43
Offprint: 1
Photocopy: 17


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Creator of Archive: Cobb, Gerald


Post Medieval Cathedral