Volume: Picturing Lockdown Collection: Artists' Submissions - Bella Milroy

Volume containing Electronic material
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The Picturing Lockdown Collection was created during April and May 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This group of five images, representing the East Midlands region, was created by the artist Bella Milroy over the course of five days, to represent her experience of the lockdown. Alongside her submissions, the artist wrote the following to describe her creative approach to the project:

"I will be approaching this brief as a way of cataloguing a week in lockdown in ways that reflect my immediate and local surroundings as a chronically ill disabled person. I’ll be capturing the smallness of my home and the expansiveness of my creative framework, an endeavour that continually asks and prods at the nature of what it means to live in the world and to be sick. I am always interested in the potential photography holds in terms of scale, something that really motivates me within my practice, and will be a point of concern throughout this brief; the intimate moments of brushing my teeth or the vast space that can be found in domestic scenery (laundry, open windows, cat litter trays etc).

I am continually interested in the boundaries and parameters of the self and where that sits in the world. Lockdown poses such profound and harsh terms & conditions of how this is experienced, ones that change all the baselines of familiarity and ask us (painfully so) to think, move, do differently, even when we are unable to. Tentatively testing the lines of these limits is something disabled and chronically ill people do all the time, and it will be interesting to explore these practices through a visual format, particularly beyond the walls of my house, a space that is now even more difficult and dangerous for me to operate in.

I look forward to capturing the quietness, stillness, smallness, bigness and most importantly, fullness of my life, here on this small planet of my home, on this little terrace on a hill in Derbyshire. "


This is part of the Sub Series: HEC01/036/02 Picturing Lockdown Collection - Artists' Submissions; within the Series: HEC01/036 Picturing Lockdown Collection; within the Collection: HEC01 Historic England

This Volume is divided into 5 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Digital): 5


© Bella Milroy

People & Organisations

Photographer: Milroy, Bella