A dwelling of C18/C19 origin.
Reasons for Designation
Weaverslake Farmhouse, Yoxall, Staffordshire, a C18/ C19 farmhouse with later alterations, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural Interest: a pre-1840 farmhouse that retains its historic appearance and legibility demonstrating the vernacular traditions of the area;
* Degree of survival: it retains the majority of its C18 and C19 structure;
* Group value: this is one of a small number of historic farmhouses that form a dispersed group in this farming settlement on the edge of the historic village.
Weaverslake is an historic farming settlement on the north-west edge of the village of Yoxall. The building is shown on the First Edition Ordnance Survey Map of 1882, and appears to be in part of C18 date. The building has been extended and otherwise altered in the C19 and C20 with extensions and alterations of C19 and C21 date.
A farmhouse of C18 date, extended in the C19 and C21. MATERIALS: partly timber-framed with brick infill panels, and partly brick-built, with clay tile roofs and three brick stacks. PLAN: the building is on an L-plan. The C18 range is single-storey with attic, and the C19 cross wing and its C21 extension* are of two storeys. EXTERIOR: the principal elevation faces north with an exposed, pegged C18 timber box-frame to the central and right bays with small openings with timber mullions and lintels, under a steeply-pitched roof. To the left is a single bay with a slightly shallower pitched roof and an attached outshut with a front door and window. To the far left is the gable end of the C19 cross wing. The gabled west end of the C18 range has an exposed, pegged frame. To the rear the frame is also exposed with altered opening, and there are modern inserted dormer windows breaking through the eaves. To the right, at the junction with the C19 cross wing is a C21 timber conservatory*. The C19 cross wing has a three bay façade facing east under a pitched roof with brick end stacks. In the C21, the window units* have been replaced and the openings altered. Also a projecting brick porch* has been added to the central bay, under a pitched roof, and a two storey extension built in-line to the south*. The C21 detached garage is not of special interest and is excluded from the listing. INTERIOR: the ground floor of the C18 range has chamfered oak beams with substantial joists. There is later panelling to the walls in the principal room. An inglenook fireplace by the modern stair* has some historic fabric but is much altered. There is exposed framing to one end wall and chamfered purlins at attic level. * Pursuant to s.1 (5A) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (‘the Act’) it is declared that the late-C20/ early-C21 extension, fixtures and fittings are not of special architectural or historic interest.
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