A pair of semi-detached mid-C19 villas.
Reasons for Designation
* Architectural interest: they are a good example of a pair of mid-C19 semi-detached villas displaying good quality architectural detailing;
* Intactness: despite some alterations they have survived mostly intact;
* Group value: they were built as part of an interesting, small suburban planned development of three near identical semi-detached villas.
One of three near identical pairs of villas (Nos 23 and 25 (qv), Nos 27 and 29 (qv)) built in the mid C19.
Pair of mid-C19 semi-detached villas. MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar with a slate roof. PLAN: A symmetrical compact hipped main range, with a cross wing (set back) to gabled ends, with entry. EXTERIOR: Two storeys, each one with two plain sash windows. The first floor windows to the main range have stone slab balconies on console brackets, with decorative cast iron rails, above deep sashes with floating cornices on brackets. No. 31 has scalloped valances to all windows. It has a sash window at each level on the returns, near the internal angle. And the cross wing has a two-panelled door with a plain fan-light, set in a moulded arch with keystone, and an impost band across the wing width. Deep plain eaves soffit, stone ridge and hip tiles, with a central ashlar stack, rear eaves stack, and small stacks to the end gables, partly external, and with broad scroll offsets at first floor level. INTERIOR: Not inspected.
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