Rutland Roman Villa Environs Aerial Mapping Project

Author(s): Fiona Small

This report summarises the results of the assessment and mapping of aerial photographs and lidar data undertaken for the Rutland Roman Villa Project. In 2020 the site of a Roman villa was identified within a single large arable field to the south-west of Ketton, Rutland overlooking the River Chater. Initial investigations revealed part of a mosaic and finds. A subsequent aerial investigation and mapping of cropmarks of the site was undertaken in August 2020 by Historic England to assess the extent of the site. Geophysical survey and two seasons of excavation over the summers of 2021 and 2022 funded by Historic England, revealed a complex of Roman buildings dating to mid-late 3rd to the 4th century AD, one containing the mosaic identified in 2022, lying within a multi-ditched enclosure. As part of this ongoing project an aerial investigation and mapping survey of the contextual area of 30 sq. km around the villa site has been undertaken by Historic England Aerial Investigation team to assess the presence of any further archaeological remains. These results are contained in this report.

Report Number:
Research Report
Roman Villa Quarry


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