Abbots Staith Buildings, Water Lane, Selby, North Yorkshire: Tree-ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cathy Tyers

Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on samples from 24 of the 27 timbers sampled in this building, the samples from the remaining timbers being unsuitable for reliable analysis. This analysis produced four oak site chronologies comprising series from seven, two, two, and three timbers respectively. Three of these oak chronologies were dated, spanning AD 1501–1576, AD 1416–1582, and AD 1555–1682. A further site chronology comprised two conifer samples but this, along with the fourth oak chronology, remains undated as do the remaining measured but ungrouped timber series. Nine dated timbers, six joists, a trimmer beam, a door lintel and an ex situ timber, from the south wing are now known to have been felled in AD 1582, suggesting a programme of building works in the last decades of the sixteenth century. In addition, two ground-floor ceiling beams from the central range have been dated, probably having been felled in the spring of AD 1683, indicating a programme of building works occurring in the central wing a century later than that identified in the south wing.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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