Current Guidance and Advice
Browse and download from our A-Z list of current Historic England advice and guidance publications.
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- Accessing England's Protected Wreck Sites: Guidance notes for divers and archaeologists
- Adapting Historic Buildings for Energy and Carbon Efficiency: Advice Note 18
- Adapting Traditional Farm Buildings
- Adaptive Reuse of Traditional Farm Buildings: Historic England Advice Note 9
- Aerial Reconnaissance Project Planning Note (MoRPHE PPN5)
- Animal Bones and Archaeology
- Archaeological and Historic Pottery Production Sites
- Archaeological Evidence for Glassworking
- Archaeometallurgy: Guidelines for Best Practice
- BIM for Heritage: Developing a Historic Building Information Model
- BIM for Heritage: Developing the Asset Information Model
- Briefing Note on National Listed Building Consent Orders
- Church Roof Replacement Using Terne-coated Stainless Steel
- Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment: Historic England Advice Note 15
- Conservation and Management of War Memorial Landscapes
- Conservation Area Appraisal, Designation and Management
- Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment
- Conservation, Repair and Management of War Memorials
- Conserving Georgian and Victorian terraced housing: A guide to managing change
- Conserving Historic Water Meadows
- Conserving War Memorials Case Study: Deterioration of Metal Fixings
- Conserving War Memorials Case Study: Differential Movement of Foundations
- Conserving War Memorials Case Study: The Conservation of Mortar-Filled Inscriptions
- Conserving War Memorials Case Study: The Replacement of Missing Bronze Elements
- Conserving War Memorials Case Study: The Surface Treatment of Bronze Statuary - Bootle
- Conserving War Memorials Case Study: The Surface Treatment of Bronze Statuary - Tottenham
- Conserving War Memorials: Cleaning
- Conserving War Memorials: Inscriptions on Stone
- Conserving War Memorials: Structural Problems and Repairs
- Conserving War Memorials: Timber Lych Gates, Shelters and Calvary Crosses
- Curating the Palaeolithic
- Delivering Public Engagement, Skills and Training
- Dendrochronology: Guidelines on Producing and Interpreting Dendrochronological Dates
- Deposit Modelling and Archaeology: Guidance for mapping buried deposits
- Digital Image Capture and File Storage
- Drawing for Understanding
- Drawing up a Local Listed Building Consent Order: Historic England Advice Note 6
- Easy Access to Historic Buildings
- Easy Access to Historic Landscapes
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Draught-proofing windows and doors
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Early cavity walls
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) Case Studies
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating dormer windows
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating flat roofs
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating pitched roofs at ceiling level - cold roofs
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating pitched roofs at rafter level-warm roofs
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating solid ground floors
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating solid walls
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating thatched roofs
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating timber framed walls
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulation of suspended timber floors
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Secondary glazing for windows
- England's Redundant Post-War Coal- and Oil-Fired Power Stations
- Environmental Archaeology
- Gasworks and Redundant Gasholders: Guidelines for their Evaluation and Recording
- Geoarchaeology: Using Earth Sciences to Understand the Archaeological Record
- Geospatial Survey Specifications for Cultural Heritage
- GPA 1 - The Historic Environment in Local Plans
- GPA 2 - Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment
- GPA 3 - The Setting of Heritage Assets
- GPA 4 - Enabling Development and Heritage Assets
- Graffiti on Historic Buildings: Removal and Prevention
- Graphical and Plane Table Survey of Archaeological Earthworks
- Greater Lincolnshire Farmstead Assessment Framework
- Greater London Archaeological Priority Area Guidelines
- Guide for Owners of Listed Buildings
- Guide to Historic Environment Records (HERs) in England
- Guidelines on the X-radiography of Archaeological Metalwork
- Heat Pumps in Historic Buildings (Air Source Heat Pump Case Studies – Small-scale Buildings)
- Heritage Champions Handbook
- Heritage Crime Impact Statements
- Heritage Crime Interventions: Prosecutions and alternative disposals
- Heritage Crime Prevention: Advice for those who care for heritage assets
- Heritage Crime Risk Assessment
- Heritage Crime: Guidance for Sentencers
- Heritage Works
- Heritage Works for Housing
- Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans
- Historic Environment Guidance for Wave and Tidal Energy
- Historic Fibrous Plaster in the UK: Guidance on its Care and Management
- Historic Military Aviation Sites Conservation Guidance
- Historic Wreck Sites At Risk: A Risk Management Toolkit
- Installation of Telecommunications Equipment in Churches and Other Listed Places of Worship
- Insuring Historic Buildings and other Heritage Assets
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: 19th and 20th Century Roman Catholic Churches
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: 19th- and 20th-Century Convents and Monasteries
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: 20th-Century Coal- and Oil-Fired Electric Power Generation
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Anglo-Jewish Burial Grounds - The Post-Resettlement Period
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Animal Management
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Artillery Defences
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Banjo Enclosures
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Buildings and Infrastructure for the Motor Car
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Causewayed Enclosures
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Caves, Fissures and Rockshelters
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Civil Defence - From the First World War to the Cold War
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Coastguard Stations
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Domestic Housing for Disabled Veterans 1900-2014
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Drill Halls
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Earthwork Castles
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Enclosed Prehistoric Settlements
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Field Systems
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Gasworks and Gasholders
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Hermitages
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Hillforts
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Historic Amusement Parks and Fairground Rides
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Interwar Theatres
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Later Prehistoric Shrines and Ritual Structures
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Law Courts and Courtrooms 1 - The Buildings of the Criminal Law
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Law Courts and Courtrooms 2 - Civil and Coroner's Courts
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Linear Frontiers
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Mechanics' Institutes
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Medieval and Early Post-Medieval Glassworks
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Medieval and Later Fieldworks
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Medieval Settlements
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Megalithic Chamber Tombs
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Mills
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Nonconformist Places of Worship
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Oppida
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Post-Modern Architecture
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Post-War Landscapes
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-Christian Cemeteries
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-industrial Ironworks
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-industrial Lime Kilns
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-industrial Mines and Quarries
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-industrial Roads, Trackways and Canals
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-industrial Salterns
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric and Romano-British Settlements with Structures
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric Avenues and Alignments
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric Barrows and Burial Mounds
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric Henges and Circles
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric Linear Boundary Earthworks
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Prehistoric Rock Art
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Public Art 1945-95
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Railway Goods Sheds and Warehouses
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: River Fisheries and Coastal Fish Weirs
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Roman Amphitheatres, Theatres and Circuses
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Roman and Medieval Pottery and Tile Production
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Roman and Medieval Sea and River Flood Defences
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Roman Forts and Fortresses
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Roman Settlements
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Saxon Shore Forts
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Science Laboratories to 1900
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Shielings
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Ships and Boats: 1840 to 1950
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Ships and Boats: Prehistory to 1840
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Shopping Parades
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Shrines (Roman and Post-Roman)
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Signal Boxes
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Stone Castles
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Textile Mills
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: The Commercial Office, 1900-39
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: The English Public Library 1850-1939
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: The English Public Library 1945-85
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: The Late 20th-Century Commercial Office
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: War Memorial Parks and Gardens
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: War Memorial Parks and Gardens
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Water Meadows
- Land Contamination and Archaeology
- Lead Roofs on Historic Buildings
- Lightning Protection: Design and Installation for Historic Buildings
- Listed Building Consent: Historic England Advice Note 16
- Listed Buildings and Curtilage: Historic England Advice Note 10
- Listing and Grading of War Memorials
- Listing Selection Guide: Agricultural Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Commemorative Structures
- Listing Selection Guide: Commerce and Exchange Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Culture and Entertainment Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Domestic 1: Vernacular Houses
- Listing Selection Guide: Domestic 2: Town Houses
- Listing Selection Guide: Domestic 3: Suburban and Country Houses
- Listing Selection Guide: Domestic 4: The Modern House and Housing
- Listing Selection Guide: Education Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Garden and Park Structures
- Listing Selection Guide: Health and Welfare Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Industrial Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Infrastructure - Transport
- Listing Selection Guide: Infrastructure - Utilities and Communication
- Listing Selection Guide: Law and Government Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Maritime and Naval Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Military Structures
- Listing Selection Guide: Places of Worship
- Listing Selection Guide: Sports and Recreation Buildings
- Listing Selection Guide: Street Furniture
- Listing War Memorials in England
- Local Heritage Listing: Advice Note 7 (2nd ed)
- Maintenance and repair of traditional farm buildings
- Making Changes to Heritage Assets: Historic England Advice Note 2
- Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment: The MoRPHE Project Managers' Guide
- Managing Lithic Sites: Archaeological guidance for commercial and research projects, planning authorities, land management agencies and developers
- Managing Local Authority Heritage Assets
- Marine Aggregate Dredging and the Historic Environment (2003)
- Marine Geophysics Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation
- Marine Licensing and England's Historic Environment
- Methodist and Nonconformist chapels in Cornwall
- Military Aircraft Crash Sites - Archaeological guidance on their significance and future management
- Military Wall Art: Guidelines on its Significance, Conservation and Management
- Mineral Extraction and Archaeology:Historic England Advice Note 13
- Multi-light Imaging for Heritage Applications
- Nanolime: A Practical Guide to its Use for Consolidating Weathered Limestone
- National Farmstead Assessment Framework
- Neighbourhood Planning and the Historic Environment: Historic England Advice Note 11 (2nd ed)
- Peatlands and the Historic Environment: An Introduction to their Cultural and Heritage Value
- Photogrammetric Applications for Cultural Heritage
- Piling and Archaeology
- Pillars of the community: the transfer of local authority heritage assets
- Planning and Archaeology: Historic England Advice Note 17
- Post-War Public Art: Protection, Care and Conservation
- Preserving Archaeological Remains
- Purbeck Marble: Conservation and repair
- Register of Parks and Gardens Selection Guide: Institutional Landscapes
- Register of Parks and Gardens Selection Guide: Landscapes of Remembrance
- Register of Parks and Gardens Selection Guide: Rural Landscapes
- Register of Parks and Gardens Selection Guide: Urban Landscapes
- Registration Selection Guide: Battlefields
- Repointing Brick and Stone Walls
- Scheduled Monument Clearance: Revised Guidance Note for Crown Bodies in England
- Scheduled Monuments. A Guide for Owners and Occupiers
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Agriculture
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Commemorative and Funerary
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Commercial sites
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Culture, Entertainment and Sport
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Gardens
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Health and Welfare
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Industrial Sites
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Law and Government
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Maritime and Naval
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Military Sites Post-1500
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Places of Learning
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Pre-1500 Military Sites
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Religion and Ritual post-AD410
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Religion and Ritual pre-AD 410
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Settlement Sites to 1500
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Sites of Early Human Activity
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Transport Sites
- Scheduling Selection Guide: Utilities
- Science for Historic Industries: Guidelines for the Investigation of 17th to 19th Century Industries
- Scientific Dating of Pleistocene Sites: Guidelines for Best Practice
- Selection Guide: Ships and Boats: Prehistory to Present
- Setting up a Listed Building Heritage Partnership Agreement: Historic England Advice Note 5
- Sourcing Stone for Historic Building Repair
- Stained Glass Windows: Managing Environmental Deterioration
- Statements of Heritage Significance: Historic England Advice Note 12
- Stopping the Rot: a guide to enforcement action to save historic buildings
- Streets for All: Advice for Highway and Public Realm Works in Historic Places
- Streets for All: East Midlands
- Streets for All: East of England
- Streets for All: London
- Streets for All: North East
- Streets for All: North West
- Streets for All: Practical Case Studies - A Summary
- Streets for All: South East
- Streets for All: South West
- Streets for All: West Midlands
- Streets for All: Yorkshire
- Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment: Historic England Advice Note 8
- Tall Buildings: Advice Note 4
- The Disposal of Heritage Assets
- The Role of the Human Osteologist in an Archaeological Fieldwork Project
- Theft of Metal from Church Roofs: Prevention and Response
- Theft of Metal from Church Roofs: Replacement Materials
- Tone Works Wellington, Somerset - a case study
- Traditional Windows: their care, repair and upgrading
- Traversing the Past
- Types of War Memorial
- Understanding Historic Buildings
- Understanding Place: Historic Area Assessments
- Understanding the Archaeology of Landscapes
- Using Airborne Lidar in Archaeological Survey: The Light Fantastic
- Wall Paintings: Anticipating and Responding to their Discovery
- Water Features in Historic Settings: A Guide to Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations
- Waterlogged Organic Artefacts
- Waterlogged Wood
- Where on Earth Are We: The Role of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in Archaeological Field Survey