An oblique aerial view of the Paternoster development and its surroundings, including St Paul's Cathedral and the River Thames, taken from the north-east

1 Oct 1984
Paternoster Square, City And County Of The City Of London, Greater London Authority, EC4M
Photograph (Negative)
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Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping precinct, an extensive piazza and a three-level car park. The various blocks were named after former Bishops of London. The tallest block was 18-storeys in height and was called Sudbury House. The three 10-storey blocks were Courtenay, Walden and Grendall Houses, and the five-storey blocks were Laud, Sheldon and Bancroft Houses.

This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20.


This is part of the Series: JLP01/11 John Laing Photographic Collection Colour Negatives and Contact Sheets; within the Collection: JLP01 John Laing Photographic Collection


© Historic England Archive. John Laing Photographic Collection


Aerial View, Urban Landscape